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Here’s the truth: my goals don’t change much from year to year. But the systems behind them definitely do. So in this episode, I’m sharing the habits I’m focusing on this year to continue to grow more into the person I want to show up as each day. Plus, the systems I’ve put in place […]


I FINALLY committed to my word of the year after a month or so of wavering. So in this episode, I’m sharing what it is, plus some reflections on last year’s word and how it ended up serving me, the word that I kept trying to make work before I couldn’t deny that my heart […]

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I love using the beginning of a new year as a time to look ahead and set some intentions and goals for the coming year! In this episode, I’m sharing how my process for setting goals has changed over the years (and what it looks like today), the four reflection questions I use to help […]


We’re wrapping up the managing stress series with one of my most favorite strategies of all time: Batching! I truly believe batching is the key to me not going crazy as I juggle my 9-5, two kids, a house, and this podcast! In this episode, I’ll share all the different ways you can batch different […]

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I’ve always hated the expression “early is on time, on time is late.” Why can’t I just be on-time-ish? But recently, someone casually mentioned to me how she’d stopped being slightly late to things and it had removed a ton of low-grade stress. And that was enough for me to give it a try. So […]


My #1 stress trigger in life is unmet expectations. Which, as you can imagine, makes parenting REAL fun. In this episode, I’m sharing my different strategies for adjusting my expectations in an attempt to be better prepared for the certainty of uncertainty! (Spoiler alert: It’s waaay easier said than done…but I try nonetheless!) Interested in […]

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When I wake up most mornings, my head is racing thinking about all the things that have to get done. After a decades-long quest to figure out the perfect morning routine to help calm my brain, I’ve landed on the post-it method. In this episode, I’m sharing exactly how I use a post-it note each […]


Pumpkin patches, Friendsgiving, decorating gingerbread houses, shopping for Christmas presents – the holiday season is certainly not lacking in things to do! But sometimes… all of these fun things can lead to a stress-filled season! In this episode, I’m breaking down the 3 things I do each year to keep our holidays as joy-filled and […]

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Do you ever walk into your closet and feel like you have nothing to wear despite the fact that it’s packed full of clothes? This was me almost every day. So last spring, I decided to invest (both in head space and in a personal stylist) to help me figure out a way to make […]


Ready-or-not…summer is ending! Whether you tackled your summer bucket list or not, this episode is all about how to feel good about the season you’re leaving and the one coming up – even if your brain is freaking out about the change! In this episode, I’m sharing… The biggest regret I have about how we […]

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