The start of a new season is often an opportunity to reset, shake old patterns, and invest in some new things. But being prone to an all-or-nothing approach, I knew I wanted this transition to look a bit different this year. So, in an effort to not do a complete 180 from summer to fall, […]

The Mantra that is Serving Me this Back-to-School Season

The Mantra that is Serving Me this Back-to-School Season



The start of a new season is often an opportunity to reset, shake old patterns, and invest in some new things. But being prone to an all-or-nothing approach, I knew I wanted this transition to look a bit different this year. So, in an effort to not do a complete 180 from summer to fall, I adopted a mantra. It’s been serving me so well in all ALL areas of my life – from kids, to home, to my community connections – and I’m excited to share it with you in today’s episode!


Free Workshop: The 3 New “Rules” of Friendship for Busy Moms

Podcast Episode: 8 Questions for the End of the Summer




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